Sunday, June 2nd 2024 5pm
Young Masters Concert in Konzil Konstanz with UM-prizewinners of 2022/23: Simone Ceppetelli (violoncello), Pierina Däppen (violin), Teresa Gᶏsieniec (violoncello), Artem Markaryan (piano) and Mateusz
Tomica (piano) and with Südwestdeutsche Philharmonie Konstanz conducted by Eckart Manke.The winner Yang Wu (piano) will perform in 2025.

15th Uttwil Masterclasses 2024:
August 25th - September 1st 2024 with
Benjamin Moser
Andrej Bielow
(violin) and
Danjulo Ishizaka
(violoncello)   Accompanists:
İris Şentürker
(violin course) and
Carl Wolf
(violoncello course)
Where and When
About us
Hede Hass

Hede Hass

(piano, correpetitor violin classes 2008, 2009 and 2010)
had her first piano lessons at the age of five. From her early youth she participated successfully at piano competitions, where she showed early on a particular love for chamber music that she continued developing through working with various partners.
Her studies at Bernd Glemser’s class at the conservatories of music of Saarbrücken and Würzburg formed deeply her technical and musical expression.
Through master classes and additional studies she received precious additional impulse from, inter alia, Vitaly Margulis, Eduard Brunner and Menahem Pressler (Beaux arts trio).
Regular performances in chamber music, as soloist and lied accompanist, supported inter alia through acceptance into the Friedrich Jürgen Sellheim Society at Hanover, bring her to ever more cities in Germany and abroad.
Since her graduation with honours she has had teaching assignments as piano répétiteur at several German conservatories as well as festivals, master classes and competitions.
Her responsibilities as répétiteur involved supervision of the classes of Tabea Zimmermann (Frankfurt/Main) and Antje Weithaas (UdK Berlin). In 2003 she was &dbquo;pianist in residence at the International Viola Congress at Kronberg/Taunus. In 2008 she accompanied the International Brahms Competition at Pörtschach. She also worked at masterclasses of David Geringas, Heime Müller (Artemis Quartet) and Bernard Greenhouse (Beaux Arts Trio). She produced radio and TV recordings for BR and SWR.
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